*1984 Grenoble FRA
Rousset, Thomas: Homepage, consulté septembre 2019: http://www.thomasrousset.com.
Rochat, Maya (Hg.): Cheese coma. 65 photographs selected from the works of NEAR artists, Lausanne: NEAR & Idpure 2013.
Rousset, Thomas; Verona, Raphael: Waska-tatay, Morges: Idpure Editions 2014.
Currat, Corinne; Mauron, Véronique: Rituels (cat.), Sion: Ferme-Asile 2014.
Kollateral. Collatéral
Cheese coma. 65 photographs selected from the works of NEAR artists
vfg Nachwuchsförderpreis (Wanderausstellung)
30ème Festival International de Mode et de Photographie